If you’re wondering why your out-of-pocket healthcare costs are so high, you’re not alone. Across the nation, millions of people are confronting ever-increasing premiums and expenses — despite the promise of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). 

The ACA was originally created with the goal of making health insurance more affordable and accessible to all Americans. The aim was to lower the cost of traditional health plans by requiring the vast majority of Americans to secure health insurance, or be subjected to a financial penalty. 

In reality, a growing number of people say the ACA limits their choices while saddling them with expensive plans that don’t fit their needs. Even with the ACA, many individuals and families are still facing unmanageable medical bills, high premiums, and escalating out-of-pocket costs1. A significant percentage of healthy people who buy their own coverage simply earn too much to qualify for subsidies that lower their premiums, making health insurance unaffordable and out of reach2. 

Faced with limited choices and looming costs, an increasing number of Americans are looking for ways to be exempt from the ACA. While the federal individual mandate that requires people to purchase health insurance has been repealed, a number of states still enforce their own mandates. 

One possible option for ACA exemption is through federally recognized Christian health sharing. Because Christian health sharing programs are not insurance, they — and their members — do not have to comply with the ACA individual mandate. Which means they — and their members — can choose not to purchase traditional health insurance without having to pay a fine. 

If Christian health sharing is not considered health insurance, then what is it? Federally recognized faith-based health share programs are non-profit organizations that allow members to join and share each other’s medical expenses. This cost-sharing approach can result in hundreds of dollars in monthly savings for members. Christian health sharing members typically have the same beliefs and values, agree to adhere to Biblical principles, and support healthy lifestyle choices. In the event one member has a medical emergency or unexpected expenses, the other members come together to help. 

This innovative approach makes Christian health sharing a simple and affordable way to achieve exemption from the ACA’s individual mandate and avoid paying penalties. What’s more, faith-based health sharing programs give their members the freedom and flexibility to choose the healthcare services they need, make their own healthcare decisions, and protect their religious liberties. 

If you’re interested in finding ways to be exempt from ACA mandates and the high premiums of traditional health insurance, start by learning more about Christian health sharing. You may find it’s the right option for you.


  1. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/11/12/934146128/despite-aca-coverage-gains-millions-still-suffer-catastrophic-health-care-costs
  2. https://khn.org/news/overlooked-by-aca-many-people-paying-full-price-for-insurance-getting-slammed/