Preventative Care

Preventative care is the easiest and most important way to take charge of your health. Preventative care includes the topics and services that help with the prevention of illness and promote continued wellbeing. These actions help prevent or detect serious diseases and medical problems before they can become major. Lifestyle, immunizations, flu shots, annual check-ups, as well as certain tests and screenings, are examples of preventative care.
Preventative care is included in most health sharing programs but coverage may vary by program. See below for topics related to preventative care and how you can take steps to reduce illness and help detect serious diseases.
staying healthy

How to Stay Healthy This Winter

People get sick at all times of the year, but the winter months tend to be when all those pesky upper respiratory illnesses come out in full force. To help ensure that you don’t fall victim to a virus or infection as the colder weather approaches, here are a few things you can do.

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Man meeting with his doctor.

What Your Doctor Wants You to Know

A doctor’s time is precious, and so is the time that you spend with them at an appointment. To make the most of this time, there are a few things all physicians want their patients to know.

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Health and Fitness Apps to Download Today

Health and fitness applications have taken a recent jump in popularity. There are thousands available, and each one offers different features such as meditation, self-care, and exercise classes. Check out a few of our favorites!

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