Preventative Care

Colon Cancer Awareness Month: What Health Sharing Ministries Can Do
Health sharing ministries can do several things to promote colon cancer awareness in the month of March. Read on to find out more.

How Do Health Sharing Ministries Handle Immunizations?
Immunizations are not just for kids, but how can adults handle the cost of immunizations? Do health sharing ministries pay for immunizations?

How to Stay Healthy This Winter
People get sick at all times of the year, but the winter months tend to be when all those pesky upper respiratory illnesses come out in full force. To help ensure that you don’t fall victim to a virus or infection as the colder weather approaches, here are a few things you can do.

Do Health Share Programs Pay for Prescription Drugs?
The cost of prescription medication is high, but health sharing programs can help. Be sure to look for plans that not only cover these costs, but also pay pharmacies directly so there are no out-of-pocket expenses on your end.

What Your Doctor Wants You to Know
A doctor’s time is precious, and so is the time that you spend with them at an appointment. To make the most of this time, there are a few things all physicians want their patients to know.

Health and Fitness Apps to Download Today
Health and fitness applications have taken a recent jump in popularity. There are thousands available, and each one offers different features such as meditation, self-care, and exercise classes. Check out a few of our favorites!