Legislative News
The healthcare landscape is constantly changing – government regulations, disease identification, scientific advancements, and much more. Below, look for information and news on recent trends, legislative updates, survey data, open enrollment updates, healthcare plan alternatives and many other topics.

Uninsured in America: A Look at the Numbers
Learn how many Americans are uninsured, why that is the case, and how health sharing ministries can help.

Underinsured in America: What Does The Data Tell Us
Many Americans are left underinsured due to the rising costs of health insurance policies.

Top Challenges for Healthcare Insurance Policyholder
There are a number of significant challenges that people face when trying to get healthcare costs managed effectively. Find out how health sharing ministries can help.

ACA Plans vs Health Sharing Programs
How do ACA health insurance plans and health sharing programs differ? Learn about the significant differences between the two.

The Cost of Healthcare: A Look at US Spending Over Time
The cost of healthcare in the US has risen over time, but what factors have contributed to it? More importantly, how can you keep your own healthcare costs down?

Missed Open Enrollment? No Problem for Health Sharing Members!
Health sharing ministries do not enforce open enrollment restrictions on their members as many health insurance providers do. Consider making the switch to a health sharing ministry today!

Value-Based Healthcare: A Look at the Pros and Cons
Will value-based healthcare really work? Here’s a look at the pros and cons.

How Does Consolidation in Healthcare Impact Costs?
Industry consolidation in healthcare is among the more important trends this year, but how will this affect consumers?

Are there options besides Job Based Insurance?
The ongoing rise in job-based health insurance premiums is prompting an increasing number of Americans to seek out more affordable options like health sharing ministries.

3 Ways COVID-19 Changed Open Enrollment for 2021
COVID-19 has changed how employers and employees are using Open Enrollment this year, but Americans have other choices to handle the cost of health care, including health sharing programs.

Paying for Health Care When You’re Self-Employed
As a self-employed individual, you’re on your own to find a program to help you handle the costs of medical care. Luckily, there are several alternatives to health insurance available to you.

What Happens If You Miss Open Enrollment?
Annual Open Enrollment is very short, which means you don’t have much time to take advantage of it. But what happens if you miss it? What other alternatives are available?